“Just live simple, be humble. Humility and simplicity is the way of life.”
La musique de Lidiop est une musique de partage, de respect pour la vie et tout ce qui l’entoure. Lidiop est un musicien, auteur compositeur et interprète né à Dakar. Bercé dès l’enfance par la richesse culturelle et musicale de sa terre natale, il commence sa carrière musicale en s’inspirant tout autant des chants traditionnels sénégalais que des hits jamaïcains.
Arrivé en France pour ses études en 2012, il a très rapidement l’occasion d’exprimer son talent en se produisant dans le métro parisien ce qui lui permet d’être rapidement repéré et de se produire au festival Solidays en 2015 puis, une chose en amenant une autre, de faire la première partie de Tiken Jah Fakoly, monter sur la scène de l’Olympia ou encore jouer à la Fête de l’Huma. De là, sa carrière est véritablement lancée et il enchaîne les concerts dans de multiples salles et festivals renommés au-delà même des frontières françaises. En 2015, il sort un premier EP intitulé ‘Way Of Life’ puis en 2018 son premier album ‘Soul’N’Mind’ qui compte la participation d’artistes tels que Meta Dia et Jahneration.
Le public accroche totalement à sa pop aux sauces afro et reggae, à son timbre de voix si versatile, mais aussi et surtout à son énergie, sa bonne humeur et les messages positifs qu’il véhicule au travers de ses chansons.
English biography :
“Just live simple, be humble. Humility and simplicity is the way of life.”
Lidiop‘s music is about sharing, respect for life and everything that surrounds it. Lidiop is a musician, singer-songwriter and performer born in Dakar. Bathed from childhood in the cultural and musical richness of his native land, he began his musical career by drawing inspiration from traditional Senegalese songs as well as from Jamaican hits.
After first coming to France for his studies in 2012, Lidiop found the opportunity to express his talent performing in the Paris metro where he was very quickly spotted and which allowed him to perform at the Solidays festival in 2015. One thing leading to another, he then had the opportunity to open for Tiken Jah Fakoly, play live at the mythical Olympia and the Fête de l’Huma. From there, his career really took off and Lidiop went on to perform a series of live shows in many renown venues and festivals in France and beyond. In 2015, he released a first EP entitled ‘Way Of Life’ followed by his first album ‘Soul’N’Mind’ in 2018, which features collaborations with artists such as Meta Dia and Jahneration.
The public is totally hooked on his pop sound with Afro and reggae vibes, his versatile vocals, and above all his energy, his good humor and the positive messages he conveys through his songs.